Wednesday, November 14, 2012

37 Weeks!

Yesterday marked 37 weeks, which was a huge milestone in my mind. Technically, he's now 'full term' which is a relief. I had some fears about early labor because I have a heart-shaped uterus and with that, a risk of preterm babies. But we made it! And he's measuring small, but normal and that's great news to me.

I also got to see him again with an ultrasound and he's cute already! It looks like his cheeks are filling in and he looks like a baby, not an alien. I feel like I know him already but I can't wait to SEE him. And hold him and kiss him and cuddle him of course...  

Can I just say what a good dad Kyle will be? He likes to play and sing songs to my belly and he often sings him to sleep. It melts my heart. Yes, we both look at each other sometimes with a deer-in-the-headlights stare and say, 'Holy crap! We're having a child!' But we are so so excited and happy. It will be a wonderful, crazy change. 


  1. AHHHH!!! I have been waiting so long to see pregnancy pictures of you, you're such a cute mama Emily. I want to rub your baby belly! Tawny & I went shopping this week, & we both said that we couldn't believe that you were going to have your baby in just a few weeks. The time has flown by!

  2. You WILL be amazing parents! That is a lucky little baby and I can't wait to see him too.

  3. I wanted to comment directly to your most recent post but I wasn't able to for some reason. Not sure why? Must be on my end.
    Here's my comment -
    I appreciated your thoughts on flexability and faith as I am one of those "plan ahead" kind of people too. I admire all you are doing. I can't wait to see the pictures of your little one and hope all goes well.
    Jayne Stott

  4. SOOOO CUTE that kyle sings him to sleep! wow!
